I’ve been reading Tao Te Ching, a 3,000-year-old ancient Chinese text authored by Lao Tzu. It’s a concise compilation of verses offering insights on living a balanced and harmonious life, emphasizing the importance of simplicity, humility, and the interconnectedness of all things. This content is meant to
Read more →I recently returned from two weeks of international traveling without our children. I learned the following nine lessons of traveling.
Read more →We are human BEings; however, most of us live as human DOings. To be successful, one must work on three aspects of business.
Read more →Will you end up being grateful for COVID, or will you stop by choice, take the time to reorient, rest, and re-energize, so you too can serve the people who matter most? The world and its people can survive while you rest and take care.
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