Unlocking Your Genius.

Your impact on your team, Board of Directors, and community is massive when you identify, understand, and lean into your brilliance.

Linley’s proven coaching process will help you uncover what’s holding you back, apply your brilliance, and shift your organization or career trajectory.

We are evolving creatures in every facet of life, requiring us to grow and step into the game differently. Maybe it means you are stepping off the field to lead a team toward a win. Perhaps it means you want to move out of a lower-level position and into an executive role. Linley Daly steps in with perspective and a proven coaching process, one that helps you identify and understand what is holding you back and allows you to define your success and the steps you need to achieve it.

Linley Daly, CPC, ACC
Leadership Coach and Consultant

As a Coach-Consultant, Linley blends her unique expertise in strategy, customized professional development, thought leadership, and organizational framework design to support your mission.