Are you feeling stuck? Uninspired? You know – those days when getting out of bed and into “work mode” feels like a colossal effort? I sure do! I’ve been stuck for over 5 months and have had little energy to write. Inspiration has been ever elusive. Then it was the holiday season; now it’s the new year, and I still feel challenged in finding inspiration.
Perhaps you’ve had a similar circular conversation with your youngest child (I’m speaking for a friend, of course) about procrastination.
She has a major paper due and calls:
“Mooommm, I’m stuck.“
“What’s up?“
“This paper is due at midnight, and all I have is an outline.“
“Wow. That’s rough. What do you need?“
“I don’t know….. I don’t want to do this.”
And so it goes. We all have experienced procrastination and the inertia that prevents forward movement.
There’s a cool saying that can help us out of this trench: Effort Creates Energy.
It doesn’t have to be a colossal effort; just one baby step forward. For instance, writing my blog often feels insurmountable. But writing even a few sentences in my journal every morning makes it less daunting. Even if it’s only my to do list or three things for which I’m grateful, it’s how this effort creates energy for me.
Another helpful saying: Action Creates Movement.
Just one small step into action – writing that first paragraph, getting out of bed, eating veggies with a meal – moves us forward beyond our “stuck.”
When you’re stuck, unmotivated, inert, or have low energy, invest in one step forward or take small action. It will create energy, which then creates movement. Before you know it, that paper will be done, and you can get to bed at a decent time (remember, I’m speaking for a friend).
Write each of these statements on its own Post It note – Effort Creates Energy and Action Creates Movement – and post them in a prominent place you will see daily. A small, first step into action!
Need a little help getting into action? Let’s talk.